September 21, 2014

Do you know your passion?

"You spend a lot of your life having people tell you to follow your passion. It's nice advice, it's heart-warming advice, its great advice -- if you happen to have one that is very clear & obvious. Sometimes it feels cruel & all it does is make you feel even worse & more left out, because you're like, 'I would if I knew what it was!' If you're in that position right now.... forget about passion."
- Elizabeth Gilbert

I recently watched Elizabeth's interview on the Oprah Winfrey show here and could not stop thinking about it after. I have since watched it several times because I have struggled myself with narrowing down what my passion, #1 dream is over the course of my life. 

In high school I was dead set that I was going to go to nursing school & work in the Emergency Room helping people. Then I got a job at a nursing home as a CNA & lost ALL interest in the medical world. So I spent some time trying to figure out what my new life calling would be.... I switched my major to Psychology for about 2 semesters and then realized that my love for writing was going to win out! So I moved back to to my hometown to attend our local college as an English major... and to be closer to my boyfriend (soon to be husband) & got a job as a Secretary for a mortgage company. About a year after being there they started training me in to be a loan processor and I was gun-ho ready to go! I stopped school and have now been a loan processor for about 7 years. 

Do I love it? No. So once again I am searching for that one PASSION! 

So when I watched this interview it was a HUGE AHA moment for me. Elizabeth goes on to say:

So the fact that right now at the age of 30 my curiosities consist of: 

is OKAY!

I need to follow those curiosities because I never know what path it might lead me to next & that path could be my passion that I hold tight to for the rest of my life. Or it could continue to lead me down another path & another. It doesn't matter! If those paths spark an interest for me then I will enjoy ever minute of it!

So what is my true goal & dream right now? It is to follow my curiosity & never stop searching for that one thing that is rare, that burns within.... my passion! 

If owning your own business is a dream of yours there are so many tools like Kabbage, a small business loan company, that can help you not only narrow down your dreams/goals but help you achieve them. 

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